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Vaginal whitening / Feminization of male and female genitalia

 Vaginal whitening / Feminization of male and female genitalia

As nasal hair prevents the entry of allergens and pollen into the system, the genital hair also stops bacteria and prevents them from entering the vagina. Therefore, you should be very sensitive to genital hygiene and cleanliness so that you do not get infections.

- The vagina has a good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria alkaline the environment and eliminate germs and create a healthy environment and create a distinct smell.

When the smell of the genital area changes and you feel odd odors, the number of bad bacteria is high!

- Skin is a rough area, and this texture is due to wearing thighs and tight clothing. And your skin color in this area does not necessarily match the rest of your body.

Even some blond ladies sometimes have a dark genital area!

- Between chemical products and natural drugs, we recommend that you do not use toxic chemicals near the vagina. So, here are 7 natural treatments for clearing the skin in the genital area.

Lemon juice and treatment for women's genital blurry
This is probably one of the safest ways to clear the skin in the genital area (vagina). Citric acid and vitamin C in the lemon do two things - preventing color changes and eliminating bacteria.

White and cottony vaginal / Fixing the gloom of the male and female genitalia

2 tbsp lemon juice
10 drops of rose water

Preparation method
Pour lemon juice in a certain amount of rose water. Immerse cotton in solution. Press and remove the excess liquid, then gently place it on the affected area. Leave for 3 to 5 minutes and then wash. Do this three times a day.

Caution - Apply the hair and clean the area thoroughly and dry the area before using the solution. If you feel burned, rinse immediately.

Lemon is one of the safest methods for brightening the skin in the genital area (vagina).

Aloe vera and treatment for women's genital blurry
This material is suitable for brightening the skin in the genital area (vagina). Aloe vera works with antioxidants to regulate melanin production, which helps to relieve skin.

White and cottony vaginal / Fixing the gloom of the male and female genitalia

1 tablespoon Aloe Vera gel

Preparation method
Half the aloe vera sheet and extract the gel. In a bowl, mix the Aloe vera gel with turmeric. Clean the area perfectly. Then dry it. Place the dough for 30 minutes.

Then rinse the area and clean it. Repeat this process 3 times a day. Over time, reduce the distance between masks.

Aloe Vera is suitable for brightening the skin in the genital area (vagina).

Lemon + Turmeric + Rice + Yogurt + Bloody Gum Treatment

White and cottony vaginal / Fixing the gloom of the male and female genitalia

Rice powder destroys dead skin cells. Lactic acid in yogurt illuminates the skin.

The acidic nature of the lemon acts as a natural whitening and also eliminates odor.

The rich antioxidants in Turmeric stimulate the bloodstream and improve the skin.

1 tablespoon turmeric
1 tablespoon rice powder
1 tablespoon yogurt
½ teaspoon lemon

Preparation method
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Stir until a cream is made. Add the rose to the desired material. Place the mixture on the genital area.

Let it stay for 20 minutes. Rub it in the direction of the circle. Then rinse and dry.

Turmeric Antioxidants help improve skin and help vagina clear

Sandalwood + Orange Skin and Treatment for Female Genital Blindness

White and cottony vaginal / Fixing the gloom of the male and female genitalia

Anti-infectious and antibacterial properties of the sandalwood cleanses the skin from impurities, eliminates dead skin cells and brightens skin.

On the other hand, orange skin with vitamin C is a bleaching agent. This is an effective treatment to clear the skin of the genital area (vagina), and is followed by seven days.

1 tbsp sandalwood powder
1 teaspoon powder of orange peel
Rose water

Preparation method
Mix all the ingredients together and make a dough. Wash the genital area with water.

Dry the area completely. Apply the mixture to the vaginal area. Let it stay for 20 minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Sandalwood destroys dead skin cells and illuminates the skin
thanks to : سفید شدن واژن


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